Vee Jay Records Variations
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(more below)





Rainbow Oval |
Rainbow Brackets |
Black Crossbars |
Black Oval |
Black Brackets |
May 1963 to March 1964 |
Do You Want To Know A Secret |
Please Please
Me |
Misery |
From Me To
You |
(Oldies 45 label below)





Yellow VJ |
Purple VJ |
White VJ |
May 1963 to March 1964 |
1964 |
Do You Want To Know A Secret |
Please Please Me |
Please Please Me |

Flat & Glossy Finishes |
August 1964 |
Do You Want To Know A Secret |
Love Me Do |
Please Please Me |
Twist And Shout |
Why so many label types?
Why are there so many Vee Jay labels? The answer is relatively
simple. Vee Jay did not manufacture their own records. As Beatlemania grew,
more Pressing Plants were asked to produce the records. Here is the list of Pressing
Plants that produced Beatle records for Vee Jay:
American Record Pressing Co.
Monarch Record Manufacturing Co.
Southern Plastics, Inc.
Allentown Record Co.
National Record Corp.
Columbia Records
Silver Plastics
